WP Export Users Plus

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About WP Export Users Plus

This "Plus" version allows those users who have installed the WP-Members plugin (the one by Chad Butler) to export additional fields for the …






updated: 9 years ago
since: 13 years ago


This “Plus” version allows those users who have installed the WP-Members plugin (the one by Chad Butler) to export additional fields for the address 1, city, state, zip, country and phone of users. This ‘WP Export Users Plus’ plugin has only been tested to allow these additional exported fields when used in combination with Butler’s WP-Members plugin. This means you must also have the WP-Members plugin installed and under it’s settings have the check boxes enabled for the additional fields mentioned above. Allows for custom csv user data output. It allows you to customize the Field Separators and Encapsulators. It gives you a preview of your data that you can copy and paste into a text file or into any application.

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