WordPress Featured Listings

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About WordPress Featured Listings

WordPress Featured Listings Plugin was developed to provide a website owners with an easy way to add dynamic featured listings for real estate or auto …






updated: 15 years ago
since: 15 years ago


Jared Ritchey Design Presents, WP Featured for WordPress Real Estate Blogging at its best. Developed originally for our client use only, we have released this tool as a contribution to the WordPress community in support of the Worlds best Real Estate website platform, WordPress. This plugin provides blog website owners with a truly easy to manage easy to integrate way for featuring property listings in their posts and pages. Ideal for the Real Estate, Automotive, Furniture, or any gallery type product related site, this plugin makes featuring products a breeze.

Tested with version 2.7.1 and WordPress MU, the plugin can support hundreds of featured listings and can be displayed or presented based entirely on user defined criteria providing the criteria is searchable. Even though this plugin was most beneficial in the hands of developers and web designers we have added the first version of a templated system to allow a relatively novice user the ability to customize the look and feel of the charted layouts. This does not mean that we have stopped supporting developers. This plug-in does require OpenRealty 2.5.6 or above.

For Theme Developers, please visit jaredritchey.com for details on how to distribute this plugin with your WordPress themes FREELY and Without Additional License Requirements. We can provide you easy to include PHP code to make your distribution of the plugin exceptionally easy.

Important Recent Updates This Release

  1. BUG FIX FOR FILE PATH, it is now required to open the core file and manually add the OpenRealty path until the next release.
  2. Fully CSS XHTML validated output of the chart results.
  3. Introduction of the new template system for easy styling and structuring.
  4. Integrated feature to allow for an animated slideshow.

Features In Next Release

  1. Support for a slideshow feature using the JW Image Rotator.
  2. Support for a slideshow feature using jQuery.
  3. It will offer a widgeted version so you can display them in the sidebar.
  4. THESIS THEME support will certainly be added.

Additional Configuration Notes

Support forum is brand spaking new and is scheduled to be open for configuration helps and notes on Saturday May 16th

Quick Start Guide

  1. First field should be your ID number like MLS Number for instance, then add things like city or maybe state, one field is required.
  2. Determine the layout you want, most of the time people can style these as a side by side or simply a stacked listings.
  3. Where are you planning to use the featured listing? A page or a post.
  4. Its BEST TO put the WordPress READMORE tag above the listings tag because it can make your site real long if following a standard blog format.
  5. As always additional and more detailed information is available on the JaredRitchey.com website.

What Kind Styling Can I Really Do

  • The fact is this, we built this for our clients originally and design was first on our mind. Every element is rendered based on the template you create, in our demo we use div tags for wrapping them so styling has a great many potential avenues.
  • Styling can be customized to be animated but I have not yet included that code.

Example layouts and css can be found on the project(s) site located at JaredRitchey.com or by contacting us for technical support.