We'll create fresh WordPress site with WP Gallery Manager installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
A quicklook into WP Gallery Manager
★ Create custom galleries using custom images
★ Fixed/responsive gallery dimensions
★ Create multiple galleries
★ Shortcodes for rendering gallery images
★ Allows to override default WordPress image gallery
★ Configure max-width and max-height of images and sliders
★ Allows to configure autoplay and time interval
★ Attractive drag and drop feature while creating gallery
★ Allows to opt multiple file uploading
WP Gallery Manager allows you to create responsive or fixed size image galleries which can be rendered in wordpress pages or posts using shortcodes. You can upload multiple images using the built in multi-file uploader and tag them with corresponding galleries. While creating galleries, you can be easily drag and drop images from the uploaded data. Also images within a gallery can be sorted using drag and drop mechanism.
Using WP Gallery Manager you may override default wordpress image gallery display if required. It also lets you configure various configurations related to gallery such as max-width and max-height of images and sliders, autoplay and time interval.
WP Gallery Manager is developed and maintained by XYZScripts. For any support, you may contact us.
★ WP Gallery Manager User Guide
★ WP Gallery Manager FAQ
Please read the FAQ first if you are having problems.
WordPress 3.0+
PHP 5+ (Recommended)
We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions for the betterment of this plugin. You may submit them at our support desk.