WordPress Hashtags

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About WordPress Hashtags

WP Hashtags is a WordPress Hashtags plugin which allows you to easily fetch hashtags and parse them as links in post content, title, widget content an …






updated: 8 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Samuel Elh


WP Hashtags is a WordPress Hashtags plugin which allows you to easily fetch hashtags and parse them as links in post content, title, widget content and title, bbPress topics/replies, and buddyPress acitivity streams and updates. Comes with a useful shortcode you can use for parsing hashtags.


Basically you add the feature to turn a hash plain text into a link. So far with the initial release, you can recognize and parse hashtags in:

  • Post title
  • Post content
  • Widget title
  • Widget content
  • Comment text
  • bbPress topics
  • bbPress replies
  • BuddyPress activity streams and status updates
  • Shortcodes

    As an additional feature, we support shortcodes, and you can use [wp-hashtag] to parse a hashtag. An example use is [wp-hashtag]#WordPress[/wp-hashtag], give it a try!

    For support topics please use the plugin’s dedicated support forum here on WordPress. Otherwise if you want to let us know anything, you can drop us few lines through our contact page.