WP Image Markers – Easy Hotspot Solution

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About WP Image Markers – Easy Hotspot Solution

Easy way to add markers to an image and drag to reposition them.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: WeDesignWeBuild


WP Image Markers is a marker builder that helps you add multiple markers (with customize tooltips) and drag them anywhere in background.
Amazing and powerful admin with lightweight and smooth front-end display.

Plugin demo here.

You can check plugin document here.


  • Eye-catching and friendly
  • Drag drop markers
  • Easy to clone, edit, remove a marker
  • Use image icon, font icon or text
  • Optional markers color
  • MCE editor in tooltip, it can also connect to post, page, product or any post types
  • Two events to show tooltip (Hover and Click)
  • Many effect for tooltip and markers to show
  • Optional tooltip position (top, right, bottom, left)
  • Build for performance
  • Use css3 animation

Video tutorial