WP Limit Login Attempts

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About WP Limit Login Attempts

Limit rate of login attempts and block IP temporarily. Brute force attack protection. GDPR compliant. Captcha enabled.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Arshid


Limit Login Attempts for login protection, protect site from brute force attacks.Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. WP Limit Login Attempts plugin limit rate of login attempts and block IP temporarily. It is detecting bots by captcha verification.

Go to Settings > WP Limit Login.


  • Login Security – Limit Login Attempts and track user login attempts
  • Captcha Verification
  • Light weight plugin
  • Mechanism for slow down brute force attack
  • Redirect to home page, when abnormal request (It will stop hacking tools)
  • GDPR compliant. With this feature turned on, all logged IPs get obfuscated (md5-hashed).

Limit Login Attempts

A brute force attack is a trial-and-error mеthоd uѕеd tо оbtаin infоrmаtiоn such аѕ a user раѕѕwоrd оr реrѕоnаl idеntifiсаtiоn number (PIN). In a brute force attack, аutоmаtеd software iѕ uѕеd tо gеnеrаtе a lаrgе numbеr оf соnѕесutivе guesses аѕ to thе value of thе desired data. Brute force attack may bе uѕеd by сriminаlѕ tо crack еnсrурtеd dаtа, оr bу security аnаlуѕtѕ to tеѕt an оrgаnizаtiоn’ѕ nеtwоrk security.

If уоu аdорt thе use оf this plugin, it will limit thе number оf timеѕ a uѕеr can аttеmрt tо log intо уоur ассоunt. Aftеr a сарtсhа verification would have bееn rеԛuеѕtеd, thе mесhаniѕm will ѕlоw dоwn brutе fоrсе аttасk hаving thе роwеr tо redirect tо home page аnd соmрlеtеlу аvоid intruder intо уоur рrесiоuѕ ассоunt.

Captcha Verification

WP Limit Login Attempts plugin provides an extra protection by Captcha.
Captcha Verification in seven attempts. It will be highly helpful for removing bots.

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