WP Live Support

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About WP Live Support

Wordpress Live Support, a Powerful, Simple and Flexible WordPress Support.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Bassem Rabia


WordPress Live Support, a Powerful, Simple and Flexible WordPress Support. Start receiving support from our best WordPress expert through our simple WordPress Live Support widget.

Read more about with this plugin!


  • Realtime Live Support
  • No special knowledge skills
  • Multiple languages Support

How WordPress Live Support is working?

  • We are using (https://www.tawk.to/) as live chat platform to offer you the best service, YOU DON’T NEED to create an account or to install anything special.

Your Privacy

  • By using this plugin you agree that ‘YOUR EMAIL & YOUR BLOG NAME’ will be sent to our agents so we can offer you the best of our knowledge.
  • If you have any questions about our Privacy, please contact us.