Increase Maximum Upload File Size | Increase Execution Time

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About Increase Maximum Upload File Size | Increase Execution Time

Increase maximum upload file size limit to any value. Increase upload limit - upload large files.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 5 years ago
author: CodePopular


Increase upload file size limit to any value with one click.

Plugin automatically detects upload limits set by WordPress and by the server / hosting provider, and displays them.

Access plugin’s settings from the main WP admin menu.

You can easily increase maximum upload file size. And also you can increase WordPress maximum execution time. some time extended maximum execution time when upload any attachment. From now with this plugin you can simply avoid this problem.

Where to find Option to Increase Upload Limit.

Ok, After install the plugin then activate it. After activate the plugin go to your dashboard and go to media> Increase Upload Limit.

Increase Maximum Execution Time.

Some time WordPress user can’t upload new file with media due to extended execution time. With this plugin you can increase the execution time to avoid these issue. You need to set the execution time in input filed to set your own execution time according to your need.

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