WP Nearby Places Basic

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About WP Nearby Places Basic

WP Nearby Places allows you to dynamically display nearby places on a Google map surrounding a centralized location and grouped by categories in a act …






updated: 2 years ago
since: 6 years ago


WP Nearby Places lets you easily create Google maps for your WordPress website with your specified location at its center. Website visitors will have the ability to quickly search what’s around your specified location like no other mapping plugin that uses the power of Google maps. WP Nearby Places also uniquely breaks down neighborhood locations by categories, such as Restaurants, Parks, Police and, depending which version you purchase, provides the location’s name, address, URL, website address, phone number and distance (in miles or kilometers) from the central location.

There are 2 versions available: Basic (which is free and available through WordPress.org) and Premium (which is offered here). For details about all our licensed versions available, including our exciting Add-ons, go to https://members.wpnearbyplaces.com/shop.

A brief Markdown

Below are links to sites where you can view and try the different versions of WP Nearby Places:
1) FREE Basic Version Click Here
2) Premium Version Click Here
3) Checkout Our New WP Nearby Places Coupon Ad Engine Check Here
a. The Premium version has all the added functionality of PRO, but also includes Featured Neighbors, which allows you to list key attractions in your area which helps raise search engine rankings.
DEMO – Click Here

WP Nearby Places Premium features include:

  • All the features of Basic + with some extra advantages:
  • Display up to 3 locations on a single map.
  • Featured neighbors -allows you to show locations of special places in your area.
  • Unlimited Map Creation.
  • Ability to add and manage as many maps as you desire.
  • Ability to choose your map sidebar colors and font colors.
  • List view included with grid view.
  • Custom icon set for map markers.
  • Access to our Members Area where there are instructional videos and materials you need to successfully install and use this plugin.
  • Distance from Main(Base) location in Miles and Kms.
  • Latest 5 Google Reviews and Ratings of Each dynamic place.
  • License to install on one WordPress site only.
  • Unlimited options to add dynamic shortcode.

For additional details about WP Nearby Places, visit https://wpnearbyplaces.com/

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