WP Random Post Inside

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About WP Random Post Inside

WP Random Post Inside plugin will allow you to show random post inside the post. It will help you to reduce website bounce rate by transferring user t …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago


WP Random Post Inside plugin will allow you to show random post inside the post. It will help you to reduce website bounce rate by transferring user to check other pages related post. It’ll also helpful for seo by linking internal posts.

Features Included:

  • Related post inside single post.
  • Randomly generated post.
  • Eye caching icon with post title.
  • Seo friendly and reduce website bounce rate.
  • Small & lightweight plugin.
  • Plugin option page added for easy customization.
  • Shortcode support added.

About the Author

A plugin by MD. Anisur Rahman Bhuyan [WordPress Developer], [https://anisbd.com], [[email protected]]

Problems and Support

If you face any problem and need urgent help feel free to email me ([email protected]) with plugin reference or create a ticket to plugin support on WordPress.

Comments, Feedback and Idea

Please feel free to let me know about your idea, suggestion, comments about this plugin.