WP Request Callback

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About WP Request Callback

Capture callback requests from potential clients on your site. Use our built in forms or create your own. Simple, customisable, and easy to use.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: KiteFrame


Easily add a form to any page on your site to allow visitors to leave their name and number to request a callback.


The settings page can be reached by clicking on Settings in the WordPress admin menu, and then clicking on WP Request Callback.

Here you can add an email address to receive email notifications, as well as a Slack Webhook URL to enable notifications straight into a Slack channel.

Also on this page you can choose the default theme color. This will be used by the shortcode as the background color of the submit button and the border color of the focussed inputs.

The color can be overridden on a per form basis by using the shortcode settings as documented below.

Configuring the Shortcode

The shortcode usage is as follows: [wprc success_message="This is my custom success message." error_message="Something went wrong." color="#9f7aea"]

  • success_message is the text displayed to the user after the form is submitted successfully. It is optional and if omitted the default message is ‘Thanks for submitting your callback request.’
  • error_message is the text displayed to the user if an unexpected error occurs with the submission. It is optional and if omitted the default message is ‘Something went wrong. Please try again.’
  • color is a hex color code that is used to style the button and inputs of the form. It is optional, and if omitted, the color set on the settings page is used, or blue by default (#9f7aea).

API Documentation

The plugin makes use of the WordPress REST API.


POST /wp-json/wprc/v1/callback-requests

Request Body

name: Required, string.
phone: Required, string, numbers or spaces.

{ name: ‘Name’, phone: ‘01234567890’ }


Status: 201
Response data: ‘Success’

Validation error
Status: 422
Response data: { errors: { name: [‘Example validation error’], phone: [‘Example validation error’] } }