WP Reroute Email

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About WP Reroute Email

This plugin reroutes all outgoing emails from a WordPress site (sent using the wp_mail() function) to a predefined configurable email address.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Sajjad Hossain


This plugin intercepts all outgoing emails from a WordPress site, sent using the wp_mail() function, and reroutes them to a predefined configurable email address. This is useful in case where you do not want email sent from a WordPress site to reach the users. For an example, to resolve an issue you downloaded production database to your development site and you want no email is sent to production users when testing. You may enable this plugin in development server and reroute emails to your given email address.

WP Reroute Email provides options for adding your own text or the recipients address at the bottom of the mail.

You may also save a copy of the email to database and view them from the interface.

Now, you will be able to disable rerouting based on the subject texts.