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About WP SAML Auth

SAML authentication for WordPress.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Pantheon


SAML authentication for WordPress, using the bundled OneLogin SAML library or optionally installed SimpleSAMLphp. OneLogin provides a SAML authentication bridge; SimpleSAMLphp provides SAML plus a variety of other authentication mechanisms. This plugin acts as a bridge between WordPress and the authentication library.

If your organization uses Google Apps, integrating Google Apps with WP SAML Auth takes just a few steps.

The standard user flow looks like this:

  • User can log in via SAML using a button added to the standard WordPress login view.
  • When the button is clicked, the user is handed off to the authentication library. With OneLogin, the user is redirected to the SAML identity provider. With SimpleSAMLphp, the user is redirected to the SimpleSAMLphp install.
  • Once the user is authenticated with the identity provider, they’re redirected back to WordPress and signed in to their account. A new WordPress user will be created if none exists (although this behavior can be disabled).
  • When the user logs out of WordPress, they are also logged out of the identity provider.

A set of configuration options allow you to change the plugin’s default behavior. For instance, permit_wp_login=>false will force all authentication to go through the SAML identity provider, bypassing wp-login.php. Similiarly, auto_provision=>false will disable automatic creation of new WordPress users.

See installation instructions for full configuration details.

WP-CLI Commands

This plugin implements a variety of WP-CLI commands. All commands are grouped into the wp saml-auth namespace.

$ wp help saml-auth


  wp saml-auth


  Configure and manage the WP SAML Auth plugin.


  wp saml-auth <command>


  scaffold-config      Scaffold a configuration filter to customize WP SAML Auth usage.

Use wp help saml-auth <command> to learn more about each command.


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