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About WP-Seedbank

The WP-SeedBank plugin turns any self-hosted WordPress blog into a community seedbank (or seed library). :D






updated: 10 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: The Hummingbird Project and Meitar "maymay" Moscovitz


Add a seedbank (or seed library) to your WordPress-powered website. Registered users can post seed offers and requests (called “seed exchange posts”) for others to search, making it easier to swap seeds and grow your community. Try the live demo yourself.

Some key Features include:

  • Customize numerous metadata fields to suit your specific community’s needs.
  • Import a comma-separated values file to create seed exchange postings in batches.
  • Search, filter, and sort through seed exchanges with a detailed heads-up display of available postings.
  • Available in multiple languages, including:
    • Swedish (sv_SE)
    • Italian (it_IT)
    • Hindi (hi_IN)

Want WP-SeedBank in your language? Join our team of translators!

Quick start guide

Follow these steps to get your seed exchange website up and running quickly:

  1. Install WordPress on your website, if you haven’t already. (You can use WordPress’s Famous 5-Minute Install instructions.)
  2. Install the WP-Seedbank plugin. (You can use WordPress’s Automatic Plugin Installation instructions, or the WordPress Beginner “Step by Step Guide to Install a WordPress Plugin for Beginners” instructions.)
  3. Enable user registration from your WordPress General Settings screen by checking the box that reads “Anyone can register.” This allows the people in your community to make user accounts on your website and use the WP-Seedbank software.
    1. Set New User Default Role to Contributor. This enables the people in your community who have made user accounts to create seed exchange posts and submit them for your review to publish.
  4. Share the Web address (URL) of your website with your community and invite them to join.
  5. Periodically check your website for seed exchange posts created by members of your community, review, and publish them. (The same process that you use for reviewing and publishing regular posts applies here.)
  6. Optionally, you can promote members of your community who have created seed exchange posts in the past to the Author role, so that they no longer need your approval to publish seed exchange posts. Learn more about WordPress’s user roles and capabilities.

See also:


The WP-Seedbank plugin could not have been possible without the generosity of the Team Hummingbird Project volunteers at Cleveland GiveCamp. Special thanks to:

Maintaining this plugin is a volunteer, community effort, and a labor of love for the original development team. However, if you like it, please consider donating to The Hummingbird Project, purchasing one of Meitar’s web development books, or contributing to Meitar’s Cyberbusking fund. Your support makes continued development possible!