WP SMS Functions

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About WP SMS Functions

This plugin gives you the ability to send SMS to your Wordpress website globally. Install and use SMS functions directly.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 5 years ago
author: grilabs


This simple plugin developed for developers.
Can not be used alone! yet, it does not have an end-user feature.

It completes your sms settings once and you can now use SMS functions in all WordPress.
You can add new SMS provider to inc/providers folder. Netgsm_Provider.php may be example for you! For more detail please write us: [email protected]
This example provider use WordPress HTTP API with GET method. Connect provider API url and processes the results.

How to use?

Again it is worth mentioning, this is a developer plugin. You can’t use this plug-in as an end-user.

  • For SMS sending: Use wp_sms_send_sms($receiver_number, $message). If this function unknowned, you can include file ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-sms-functions/inc/functions.php'. Including too many times will not cause problems. It will protect itself against it.