Advanced All in One Admin Search by WP Spotlight

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About Advanced All in One Admin Search by WP Spotlight

Advanced All in One Admin Search by WP Spotlight Global Search is a powerful quick navigation plugin for WordPress Dashboard - it is an advancement of …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Kuppuraj


Advanced All in One Admin Search by WP Spotlight is a powerful global quick navigation search plugin for WordPress Dashboard – it is an advancement of the default WordPress dashboard search.

You can configure it to search anything on your WordPress Dashboard like pages, posts, comments, orders, users and many more options.

How does it work?

  1. Install the plugin, and you will see the search field on the wp-admin bar.
  2. By default, menu search will be activated. However, you can include any searchable option from the plugin settings page.
  3. Now, type anything for WP Spotlight plugin to search your entire dashboard and list all available menus/options.

How is it better?

WP Spotlight is a new utility search plugin which enhances the search experience in WP dashboard. You will see the search results at lightning speed and as you type, search results will become more accurate.

Moreover, you do not need to explore your WordPress dashboard to find any menu. Just type a word and you will be presented with all available options/menus on your site.

Everything in one place

Say if you have installed a new plugin and it has some searchable options,
WP Spotlight search plugin smartly identifies those options and will list it on the settings page.
All you have to do is check the option to make it searchable.