WP SVG Images

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About WP SVG Images

Add SVG support to your WP website. Securely upload SVG files, automatic sanitization, Media Library preview.






updated: 8 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: ShortPixel


Securely upload SVG files to your Media Library. Uploaded SVG files are automatically sanitized.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and is probably the most efficient way to display images.
WP SVG Images Plugin is an easy-to-use and lightweight plugin that allows you to upload SVG files to your media library safely and easily.


  • Support for SVG uploads to your Media Library.
  • Sanitize uploaded SVG files. Malicious SVG/XML files are rejected from upload.
  • Admin configurable SVG support for different user roles. Ability to disable SVG upload for different user roles.
  • Different user roles can upload and/or sanitize the uploaded SVG images.
  • SVG preview in Media Library.


24/7 SVG support offered by ShortPixel here or here.

Recommended plugins

This plugin is supported & maintained by ShortPixel.
Other popular plugins by ShortPixel:
ShortPixel Image Optimizer – Image optimization & compression for all the images on your website, including WebP delivery – ShortPixel Image Optimizer.
ShortPixel Adaptive Images – On-the-fly image optimization & CDN delivery.
Enable Media Replace – Easily replace images or files in Media Library.
reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced – Easily regenerate thumbnails.
Resize Image After Upload – Automatically resize each uploaded image.

Hooks for developers


Allows you to specify more tags that will be not removed during sanitization

add_filter( 'WPSVG_setAllowedTags', 'my_custom_allowed_svg_tags', 10, 1 );
function my_custom_allowed_svg_tags( $tags ){
    $tags[] = 'path';
    return $tags;


Allows you to specify more attributes that will be not removed during sanitization

add_filter( 'WPSVG_setAllowedAttrs', 'my_custom_allowed_svg_attributes', 10, 1 );
function my_custom_allowed_svg_attributes( $attributes ){
    $attributes[] = 'fill';
    return $attributes;