WP Title Case

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About WP Title Case

Automatically applied title case rules to WordPress titles. This plugin automatically updates Page and Post titles to follow title casing rules.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 13 years ago


Automatically format titles across your website include the browser title, on posts and pages, category and tag lists as well as in feeds.

This plugin catches common title case formatting mistakes by capitalizing each work in a title. As of version 1.5, users can also select a minimum letter count to capitalize (by default two letter words and smaller are not capitalized).

For example:

  • “the quick brown fox” will appear as “The Quick Brown Fox”

  • “I love this plugin do you have more?” will appear as “I Love This Plugin do you Have More?”

This plugin is maintained by Phill Coxon (http://phillcoxon.com) or you can find him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/phillcoxon/

This plugin is currently available in:

  • English
  • French
  • German



Open source software such as this free WordPress plugin only work through the hard work of community members, volunteering their time or resources to make the software freely available. If you would like to show your support for this software, please consider donating towards the development effort. http://phillcoxon.com/wp/

If you can’t contribute to the plugin in any other way, please consider translating it to your local language.

Original Developer

This plugin was originally created by Christopher Ross before being taken over by Phill Coxon in Jan 2016