WP To Do

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About WP To Do

A full featured plugin for creating and managing a To Do list.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Delower


Best To Do List Management Tool for WordPress

WP To Do is a great To Do List Management Plugin. You can Manage all of your To Do List simply with this complete & right tool with all the options you need! It gives you Premium To Do List Management Features for free!

You will be able to Add Task to the List and assign those to registered users. The Tasks can be edited, deadlined, managed by statuses and importance. The Assignees can be notified automatically or by need, sending a comment or a reminder.

You can show To Do List Management in the Frontend as well with placing a simple shortcode [wp-todo], no hassle to allow other users’ to enter your Private Administration Area!


  • Add as many Task to the list as you want with title, description, deadline, status, Priority etc
  • Add tasks, assign users, assign due date
  • Countdown Timer shows how many days, hours, minutes & seconds left
  • Add comments on individual to-do lists
  • Mark Task as Solved, Closed, Open, New etc
  • Beautiful “to do” list management dashboard
  • Ajax data table
  • Instant Multiple filter, search & pagination
  • Filter By any column & entry numbers (default is 10)
  • Instant search any word within the table
  • Customizable E-mail Template
  • Shortcode to use WP To Do from frontend.


  • [wp-todo]

Detailed Walkthrough


This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute on this project, you are more than welcome. Please fork the repository from Github.


Please donate for this awesome plugin to continue it’s development to bring more awesome features.