WP Tracking Manager

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About WP Tracking Manager

Very Simple plugin to add any type of tracking code on your website and also restrict the direct access of thank page.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: WP Experts Team


Very simple and lightweight plugin to add any type of tracking code on your website and also block the direct access to thank page. “WP Tracking Manager” has provided an option to add page specific tracking code.

Key Features

  • Post type specific tracking code
  • Page specific tracking code
  • Block Direct Access of Thank-You Page
  • Adwords Conversion Code
  • Facebook Pixel Code
  • Google Analytics A/B Testing Code
  • Linkedin Conversion Code

“WP Tracking Manager” provide an important feature to block the thank-you page direct access and allow to add auto “noindex follow” meta robots on all thank-you pages .

Adwords Conversion Code =

Conversion tracking is a powerful tool in Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) that lets you identify how well your ad campaign is generating leads, sales, downloads, email sign-ups, and other key actions for your business.

Facebook Pixel Code

It helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to qualified leads—people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.

Google Analytics A/B Testing

Using A/B testing, a company have try to determine which keyword produces the best results for a PPC campaign.

Linkedin Conversion Code

Linkedin Conversion tracking gathers insights into post-click and view-through conversions of your LinkedIn ads campaigns, giving you the ability to measure the impact and ROI of your ads.


  • An option to add tracking code on all pages of the website.
  • An option to add tracking code only on specific pages (i.e Thank-you & Landing pages)
  • An option to block direct access to thank-you page.
  • An option to noindex thank you and get actual conversions leads.