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We'll create fresh WordPress site with wp-tutorial-maker installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.

Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About wp-tutorial-maker

WP tutorial maker will make your selected categories into tutorial style categories. The posts inside the categories will include previous and next li …






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Ran Bar-Zik


WP Tutorial Maker allow you to select some categories in your site and makes them into tutorial categories.

  1. The category will be ordered by the creation date in ascending order.
  2. You can choose if each post in the category will have navigational to the next post and to the last post.
    You can also choose the position of those links – before or after the content.
  3. You can choose to add a link back to the category and choose the text of the link and a text that will appear next to
    the link.

After activating WP Tutorial Maker, you can go to any category in your WordPress and designate it as ‘Tutorial Category’.

WP Tutorial maker has fully automated testing environment based on WordPress PHPUnit.
GitHub: https://github.com/barzik/wp-tutorial-maker

Automated testing

WP Tutorial maker can be tested by using PHPUnit with the official WordPress testing environment.

  1. Install WordPress develop and PHPUnit. You can follow these instructions
  2. define local variable WP_TESTS_DIR with the location of WordPress develop phpunit folder.
    for example, put export WP_TESTS_DIR="/var/www/html/wordpress-develop/tests/phpunit" in .bashrc (Linux)
  3. Go to the plugin main folder and run phpunit.
  4. Tests coverage report is being printed in HTML page to ./log/CodeCoverage.


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