WP Universal Exchange Informer

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About WP Universal Exchange Informer

Exchange rate informer for Wordpress






updated: 4 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Santiaga


Exchange rate informer for WordPress.
This plugin allow to get exchange rates from banks supported by plugin, and show their like widget in your blog.
Now exchange informer can be added by shortcode in text widget, page or post in your blog.

Supported banks:
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation,
National bank of Ukraine,
National Bank of Moldova,
The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
National Bank of Kazakhstan,
The Central Bank of Armenia,
National Bank Of Georgia,
National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Плагин информер курса валют (поддерживается отображение в виде виджетов и шорткодов).
На данный момент плагин поддерживает работу с национальными банками России, Украины, Молдовы, Беларуси, Узбекистана, Казахстана, Армении и Грузии.