WP Updates Notifier

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About WP Updates Notifier

Sends email to notify you if there are any updates for your WordPress site. Can notify about core, plugin and theme updates.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Scott Cariss


Monitors your WordPress installation for core, plugin and theme updates and emails you when they are available. This plugin is ideal if you don’t login to your WordPress admin regularly or you support a client’s website.


  • Set the interval of how often to check for updates; hourly, twice daily or daily.
  • Sets WordPress to check for updates more often meaning you get to know about updates sooner.
  • Get emailed about core, plugin and theme updates.
  • Chose if you want to be notified about active only themes and plugins updates.
  • Remove upgrade nag message to non-admin users.
  • For advanced users there are a number of filters and actions you can use. More coming soon.

This plugin is a fork of Update Notifier. This plugin was forked because there seemed to be no further development on the existing plugin and there was no way to contact the original author to ask about taking ownership. WP Updates Notifier has the following improvements over Updates Notifier:

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up using best practises for writing WordPress plugins
  • Code wrapped in a class so better namespace.
  • You can set the cron interval, allowing for more frequent checks.
  • Update checks trigger WordPress internal update check before notification.
  • Allows you to set the ‘from address’.
  • Allows you to set multiple ‘to addresses’.
  • Makes use of the Settings API.
  • A number of available hooks and filters for advanced users.
  • Active support and development.



Two filters have been provided to allow you to alter the email subject and email content being sent by WP Updates Notifier.



$email_subject – the email subject to be filtered.


*   Alter the email subject being sent by WP Updates Notifier 
function alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_subject( $email_subject ) {
    $email_subject = 'This is the new email subject for updates notifier';
    return $email_subject;
add_filter( 'sc_wpun_email_subject', 'alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_subject' );


$message – the content of the email to be filtered


*   Alter the email content being sent by WP Updates Notifier 
function alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_content( $message ) {
    $message = 'This is our new email content that will override the default.';
    return $message;
add_filter( 'sc_wpun_email_content', 'alter_wp_updates_notifier_email_content' );