VM Testimonials Plus

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About VM Testimonials Plus

This helps you maintain Testimonials from both admin & user end. will also maintain hide & show whatever you want to show in frontend.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Vinay


Happy to say that, Updated features/look and feel on the way.

with this plugin we can maintain Testimonials very handy, like whatever admin can want to add from admin panel
and also we can put a Testimonial form in the post and template pages to get from user end as well.
and all the user submitted testimonials will wait from admin apporval and of course this form is spam proof with captcha.
once admin approved then it moves to Tesimonial pool.
we will display all the testimonials which are there in the pool whever you want as a widget.
we have effects in the testimonials showcase like fade , slide etc…