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About wp2phone

wp2phone plugin allows you to create, design and manage the content of a native iPhone & iPad app, directly in WordPress dashboard.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: wp2phone


wp2phone plugin allows you to create, design and manage the content of a native iPhone & iPad app, directly in WordPress dashboard.

Plugin key features :

  • Design & customize the appearance of your app in WordPress (tab bar menu, cell colors, header images).
  • Select posts, pages, categories, tags to publish.
  • Push notifications on new posts.
  • Full integration with WordPress dashboard.
  • No programming knowledge required.
  • No developer account required.
  • Use your Flurry ID to measure the audience of your app.
  • Use your AdMob ID to monetize.
  • Define your own Ad, pushed on app launch.
  • Smart App Banners to promote your app on your website (Safari iOS 6 only).

Your app key features :

  • Universal app (iPhone & iPad).
  • Customized app icon.
  • Customized splash screen.
  • Share content via Facebook, Twitter or Email.
  • Support of iOS 4, 5, 6.
  • Modify appearance and contents, even when available on the App Store.
  • Optimized for iPhone 5.

Full preview of your app available via the free wp2phone app on the App Store.

wp2phone is an easy, fast, cheap and reliable solution to create your native app.

For more information visit: wp2phone.com