The Ultimate WordPress Toolkit – WP Extended

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About The Ultimate WordPress Toolkit – WP Extended

SMTP Email, Maintenance Mode, Duplicate Posts & Pages, Duplicate menu, Code Snippets, SVG File upload, Disable Gutenberg, Limit Login Attempts &am …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: WP Extended


Eliminate the need to manage multiple plugins from different developers. With WP Extended, you gain control and flexibility in deciding which features you want to activate, simplifying your site’s backend and boosting its performance. Each of WP Extended’s modules have been carefully crafted and created from the ground up, focusing on providing the very best modular utilities plugin.

SMTP Email The SMTP Email module allows you to configure your WordPress site to send emails using SMTP instead of the default PHP mail() function, improving email deliverability.

Plugin & Theme Rollback The Plugin & Theme Rollback module enables you to revert any plugin or theme to a previous version, thus ensuring stability if a recent update causes issues.

Export Posts & Pages The Export Posts & Pages module offers a quick and easy solution for exporting your posts and pages into a downloadable format, ensuring safe storage or facilitating content migration.

Export Users The Export Users module lets you securely export user data from your site to a CSV file, aiding in user management and record-keeping.

Duplicate Pages & Posts With the Duplicate Pages & Posts module, you can create exact copies of existing posts or pages, saving time on content replication and formatting.

Duplicate Menu feature enables you to generate additional copies of an existing menu – whether it’s a second, third, fourth, or subsequent iteration – providing you with the flexibility to manipulate them as needed.

Quick Add Post The Quick Add Post module speeds up the content creation process by providing a simplified, efficient interface for adding new posts.

Post & Page Order The Post & Page Order module grants you full control over the display order of your posts and pages, enabling custom arrangements beyond default chronological order.

Insert Headers & Footers Snippets The Insert Headers & Footers Snippets module allows you to add code snippets to the header or footer of your site without editing theme files, simplifying tasks like Google Analytics tracking or custom CSS insertion.

Disable Gutenberg Editor The Disable Gutenberg Editor module lets you switch back to the Classic Editor, providing a familiar writing experience for those not ready to transition to Gutenberg.

Clean Profiles The Clean Profiles module enhances user profile management by providing controls for showing or hiding which profile sections display.

SVG Upload The SVG Upload module enables you to upload SVG images to your WordPress media library, expanding media options and supporting high-quality vector graphics.

Tidy Nav The Tidy Nav module gives you advanced navigation menu control, ensuring clean, user-friendly website navigation by hiding or showing which menu items you show by user role.

Post Type Switcher The Post Type Switcher module allows for the quick change of a post’s type, facilitating efficient content restructuring.

Limit Login Attempts The Limit Login Attempts module provides a basic security feature by limiting the number of login attempts from a single IP, deterring brute force attacks.

Disable Gutenberg Widgets The Disable Gutenberg Widgets module enables you to switch off Gutenberg Widgets, providing control over your site’s widget implementation.

Maintenance Mode The Maintenance Mode module makes it easy to temporarily take your site offline for maintenance, displaying a custom message to visitors while you work behind the scenes.

Custom wp-admin URL The Custom wp-admin URL module lets you change your wp-admin URL, adding a layer of obscurity to deter potential malicious access.

Disabling XML-RPC The Disabling XML-RPC module allows you to turn off the XML-RPC feature, limiting potential vulnerabilities associated with this protocol.

Hide WordPress Version Number The Hide WordPress Version Number module allows you to hide your site’s WordPress version number, a light security enhancement to make targeted attacks more difficult.

Disabling User Enumeration The Disabling User Enumeration module enables you to prevent user enumeration, adding another light security enhancement to protect your site.

WP Admin Quick Search (Pro) The WP Admin Quick Search module accelerates your admin tasks by implementing a swift search function across your dashboard, saving you time while managing content or settings.

Customise Admin UI (Pro) The Customise Admin UI module provides the tools to personalize your WordPress admin interface, creating a more pleasant and efficient backend experience tailored to your needs.

Duplicate Pages & Posts The Duplicate Pages & Posts Pro For Custom Post Types module takes content replication to the next level, enabling duplication of custom post types, easing the creation process for recurrent structures.

Pixel Tag Manager The Pixel Tag Manager module lets you manage and implement pixel tags on your website, simplifying the tracking of user interaction and enhancing your marketing efforts.

User last login time The User last login time module Displays the exact date and time a user last logged into your website, helping you track user activity.

Disable RSS Feeds The Disable RSS Feeds module Disable feeds on website.

Obfuscate Author Slugs The Obfuscate Author Slugs module hides the actual usernames of authors, enhancing security by making it harder for attackers to guess login details.

Redirect 404 to Homepage The Redirect 404 to Homepage module sends visitors to your homepage if they try to access a page that doesn’t exist, ensuring they stay on your site.

Open All External Links in the New Tab The Open All External Links in the New Tab module Automatically opens links leading to other websites in a new browser tab, keeping your site open in the background.

External Permalinks The External Permalinks module Allows you to link to external URLs from your posts or pages, redirecting visitors to another website.

User Switching The User Switching module give quickest way to switch between different user accounts.

Nav Menu Visibility The Nav Menu Visibility module The Module gives you more control over your nav menu by allowing you to apply visibility controls to menu.

Post & Page Order Pro For Custom Post Types (Pro) The Post & Page Order Pro For Custom Post Types module extends your control over content arrangement, allowing you to dictate the order of custom post types beyond the default settings.

Limit Login Attempts Unblocking Feature (Pro) The Limit Login Attempts Unblocking Feature module provides a remedy for accidentally blocked IPs, offering an unblocking feature to restore access swiftly.

Quick Image Replace (Pro) The Quick Image Replace module speeds the process of changing images on your site, allowing you to easily replace existing images directly from the post or page list.

Admin Column (Pro) A drag-and-drop interface to effortlessly organise columns for posts, pages and media, comments and users.

Disable Blog (Pro) The Disable Blog module is perfect for websites that don’t require blogging features, helping to streamline the admin area by disabling blog-related functionalities.

Disable Comments (Pro) The Disable Comments module gives you the power to globally disable comments across your site, an ideal feature for business or portfolio websites where interaction isn’t necessary.

Disable Auto Updates (Pro) The Disable Auto Updates module provides control over automatic updates, allowing you to decide when and which components to update, ensuring no unexpected changes disrupt your website.

Tidy Nav Pro User Control (Pro) The Tidy Nav Pro User Control module allows fine-tuning of your website’s navigation menus based on user roles, creating a personalized browsing experience for different users.

Debug Mode (Pro) The Debug Mode module provides a powerful tool for developers, making it easier to identify and fix errors during the website development or maintenance phase.

Blocking the ‘Admin’ Username (Pro) The Blocking the ‘Admin’ Username module enhances your site’s security by disallowing the predictable ‘Admin’ username, helping to deter unauthorized access.


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