XML Feed for Jooble and WP Job Manager

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About XML Feed for Jooble and WP Job Manager

Creates a custom rss/xml feed for WP Job Manager compatible with Jooble feed requirements.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Nick Pagazani


This plugin generates a custom xml job feed that is compatible with Jooble.org’s xml feed requirements for listing jobs on their site.
WP Job Manager’s default job feed uses the standard WordPress RSS feed template which is not compatible with Jooble. This plugin solves that problem.
The plugin has only one setting – the number of jobs to show in the feed. The minimum value is 1, the maximum is 250. After installing and activating the plugin, you can access the Jooble feed at yourdomain.com/feed/jooble

Note: This plugin requires WP Job Manager to be installed and activated to work properly.