We'll create fresh WordPress site with WooCommerce – WPMktgEngine | Genoo Extension installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Understand how your leads and customers are participating with your ecommerce system using the WooCommerce – WPMktgEngine extension. It extends the ActivityStream for your lead & customer database within your WPMktgEngine account, so you can see which leads are buying, and ties the order to the lead record. Having a full view of lead & customer activity allows you to incorporate that knowledge into smart rules and actions that ensure people are getting relevant messages, and you are building deeper relationships and trust with your leads and customers.
Fixed the jquery conflict issue while Failed orders data table display.
Stored cron default setup values in database table.
Fixed the issue of subscription on-hold duplicating while inserting into the order queue table.
Fixed the issue of subscription renewal order duplicating while inserting into the order queue table.
Fixed issue payload not generated while changing the order status completed into processing in the order.
Fixed Update database button jquery issue.
Added Order Queue if order fails to find Genoo API (i.e. if it’s down) and will retry the push to Genoo account on regular increment. Cron job is set to run every 5 mniutes by default, and can be edited at Settings > eCommerce tab in Genoo plugin. Also added ability to push individual orders across if they have not yet synced with Genoo account. Go to Edit order and send to genoo button should be available.
= 1.4.5=
* Logger bugfix of var_export function