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About wpSEOkit

wpSEOkit SEO plugin helps you to improve your off-page SEO factors, especially your backlink profile.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 5 years ago


The wpSEOkit SEO plugin detects and promotes your backlinks on autopilot.
wpSEOkit detects your backlinks and makes sure search engines find them and credit your website with link juice.

Check out wpSEOkit.com

How wpSEOkit works for you on autopilot:

  • If someone linked to one of your website’s posts on his website and a user clicked on that link, she would of course be forwarded to your post.
  • All browsers store the so called “referrer”, which contains the previous website the user visited before navigating to your post.
  • This referrer is then evaluated by the wpSEOkit plugin on your website and the referring URL is extracted and stored in your WordPress database.
  • From there it can be automatically (or manually) forwarded to so called indexing services.
  • Those indexing services are crawled very often by search engines and while doing so, the search engines will get notified about the referring URL.
  • At a later point the search engines will then also crawl that referring URL and find your backlink on it, hence your website will be credited with link juice!

wpSEOkit can perform all of these actions 100% on auto pilot.

If you want to learn more, visit wpSEOkit.com