We'll create fresh WordPress site with WP Sitemap installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
[sitemap type=”post” style=”1″ number=”-1″ order=”DESC” cat=”” cat_name=”” author=”” year=”” month=”” ignore_sticky=”1″ offset=””]
Post List [sitemap] or [sitemap type=”post” style=”2″ number=”25″]
For more customize [sitemap type=”page/post/(post type)” style=”1/2/3/4″ number=”-1(unlimited),5,10,50…” order=”DESC/ASC” year=”2015/2014….” month=”1(Jan)/2/3….”]
Ex– [sitemap type=”post” style=”1″ number=”-1″ order=”DESC” cat=”” cat_name=”” author=”” year=”” month=”” ignore_sticky=”1″ offset=””]