We'll create fresh WordPress site with YAST : Yet Another Support Tool installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Bug tickets management, throw single site or multisite plateform
this plugin allows WordPress users to open supports tickets from front or admin pages.
The purpose is to manage a community of webmasters on a WP plateform, to give assitance for editing or publishing, get bugs from themes or plugins.
[BugTickets_form] Will output a support form, like the one in the admin bar
Basic options are:
example :
[BugTickets_form type=”bug” title=”New bug” only_known=false force_ssl=true]
You can assist the description filling by using custom form fields like :
usable field types are :
add possible values for select and radio with “comma,separated,values”
example :
[BugTickets_form type="bug" title="New bug" only_known=false force_ssl=true]
<text email (your email)>
<select color (Your prefered color) "Red,Blue,Green">
<textarea description (Description)>
Some normal text, being stylized by the editor
<radio ok (Ok?) "yes,no"> this question is very important !
You can oput a submission form in an external website. wtih 2 steps :
Some details about this feature :
the jascript URL looks like :
So, just put this ligne into your HTML:
<script src="//your-wp-site.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=yast_form_js"></script>
Je javascript auto add a button to open the form, but you can use your own just by adding the class “yast-dist-support-button” a any HTML element.
A click on an HTML element with class “yast-dist-support-button” will open the support form.
You can cutomize the by by adding parameters to the script URL:
<script src="//your-wp-site.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=yast_form_js&autoload=no&visibility=private&type=bug&username=<?php $current_user['email']?>"></script>
Icons: from http://icomoon.io under GPL / CC BY 3.0 licences