YD Profile Visitor Tracker

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About YD Profile Visitor Tracker

Who has visited your profile?






updated: 13 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Yann Dubois


Who has visited your profile?

This plugin tracks and displays who has been visiting your profile or other personal pages in a WordPress / BuddyPress / WP+bbPress installation. An important “social” add-on to community-oriented sites.

Use one template tag for the tracking, and another template tag (or shortcode) for the display.

When displaying the visitor’s list you can display any field from the default WordPress user data, all the standard user meta data (from usermeta table),
all the bbPress-used metadata (if bbPress is installed), and all BuddyPress extended profile (xprofile) data.
This give you incredible customization power for this plugin.

You can track visits on any page, not just profile, author or member’s pages.
(automatic tracking of BuddyPress member’s profile is built-in, you can track visits on other pages with the provided template tag)

You can track the value of specific visitor cookies.

You can filter or sort the displayed data using anu of the above-mentioned fields, plus the optional cookie value.

Compatible with PHP5 and above only.

Compatible with WP + bbPress standalone (latest versions): you can now track and display vitors on member’s profile pages (you don’t need BuddyPress at all to add some social bells and whistle to your vanilla WP or bbPress install).

Compatible with BuddyPress and/or BuddyPress + bbPress (you will get advanced features such as “add friend”, and “send private mail” buttons and all expected BuddyPress social-oriented features).

Compatible with WordPress standalone : you can track registered visitors on author pages or any other kind of page (ie. once again BuddyPress and bbPress are not needed).

Only existing WP data structure (tables) is used.

Works with WP3.1 mono or multi-site.

Active support

Drop me a line on my YD Profile Visitor Tracker plugin support site to report bugs, ask for specific feature or improvement, or just tell me how you’re using it.

Funding Credits

Original development of this plugin has been paid for by Selliance. Please visit their site!

Le développement d’origine de cette extension a été financé par Selliance. Allez visiter leur site !


  • 0.1.9. New Improvements of 2011/04/01
  • 0.1.8. Framework Upgrade + bugfixes + new features of 2011/04/01
  • 0.1.7. Bugfix release of 2011/03/28
  • 0.1.6. Official first release of 2011/03/28
  • 0.1.5. Beta [RC2] release of 2011/03/25
  • 0.1.4. Initial beta release of 2011/03/24

Did you like it?

Drop me a line on http://www.yann.com/en/wp-plugins/yd-profile-visitor-tracker

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