Filter & Grids

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About Filter & Grids

Filter posts by categories / taxonomies without reloading the page. Create posts grids.






updated: 3 months ago
since: 1 year ago
author: YMC


Filter posts or custom post types by custom taxonomy / category without page reload with different pagination types. Create different posts grids. Plugin allows to solve a variety of tasks for displaying posts on site pages. It is possible to develop custom filter and grid layouts for posts, which makes the plugin versatile.

Custom Post Type & Taxonomies Support

The plugin supports custom post types. You can filter custom post types with the AJAX filter. You can select specific custom taxonomies and their terms to showcase. If you need to create custom filter bar or custom post card, you can use the filters which will allow you to create your templates. You can find more details here.

Plugin Features

The plugin provides the following functionality:
– Selecting one or more post types to display different posts in a grid.
– Sorting taxonomies and terms.
– Installation of different types of pagination (Numeric, Load more, Scroll infinity).
– Choice of different templates for filters and post cards.
– Separating components (Filter Layout, Search Bar, Sort Panel): using shortcodes anywhere on the page.
– Sorting posts on the frontend.
– Manual sorting of terms.
– Creating custom queries (WP Query)
– Fine tuning of each term (background, color, icons, etc.).
– Adding featured posts to the post grid.
– View post content in a popup.
– Editing terms: adding icons and customizing them.
– Choose icon for preloader.
– Default Term.
– Setting up a grid of posts.
– Customization of the color palette.
– Adding a post search bar.
– Typography customization.
– Ability to develop and customize filter and post templates.
– Flexible filter management via Javascript API.
– JS hooks. Ability to manage asynchronous filter operations.
– Support Masonry Layout.
– Convenient API for interacting and managing post filtering.
– Export / Import settings.
