We'll create fresh WordPress site with Video Lightbox for YouTube/Vimeo installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
A Video Lightbox for YouTube/Vimeo uses colorbox thanks to Jack Moore to show YouTube and Vimeo video in a popup box on click of thumbnail which is generated from Youtube and Vimeo video.
you can use it with a shortcode in the page, post, and text widget.
The plugin now has support for the official AMP plugin.
[youtube videoid="<youtube videoid goes here>" height="<height goes here>" width="<width goes here>"]
[youtube url="<youtube url goes here>"]
in the backend you can generate shortcodes also you can set default height, width, and an option to play video automatically.
Now Supports Vimeo
[vimeo videoid="<vimeo videoid goes here>" height="<height goes here>" width="<width goes here>"]
[vimeo url="<vimeo url goes here>"]