Zeno Report Comments

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About Zeno Report Comments

This plugin gives your visitors the possibility to report a comment as inappropriate. After a set threshold the comment is put into moderation.






updated: 5 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Marcel Pol


This plugin gives your visitors the possibility to report a comment as inappropriate. After a set threshold is reached the comment is put into moderation where the moderator can decide whether or not he want to approve the comment or not. If a comment is approved by a moderator it will not be auto-moderated again while still counting the amount of reports.

This plugin is a fork of safe-report-comments and has some features incorporated from crowd-control (a different fork).


This plugin is compatible with ClassicPress.


This plugin is also available in Codeberg.

Known issues

Automatic mode implementation currently does not work with threaded comments in the last level of threading. As the script attaches itself to the comment_reply which is not displayed once the maximum threading level is reached the abuse link is missing at this point. As a workaround set the threading level higher than the likely amount of threading depth.