Zestard Cookie Consent

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About Zestard Cookie Consent

Display cookie bar in your website which is fully customizable.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 4 years ago


This plugin helps to set cookie bar into your website as per your style.


Our plugin provide following featues:

  • Admin can add cookie details from the backend.

  • If admin will click ‘Save Changes’ button without making any changes then default value will set for each field stores in database and according to it in front end cookie bar will show.

  • This plugin adds a cookie bar to your website either in the header or footer so you can show your compliance status regarding the new EU Cookie Law.

  • User can fully customize the style of cookie bar so it fits in with your existing website – change the colours, text etc.

  • User can choose which button you want to add in your cookie bar from Admin.

  • User can also choose link instead of button.