We'll create fresh WordPress site with Zoomify embed for WP installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This Zoomify plugin for WordPress allows you to upload .zif files to your media directory. You can then create the Zoomify imagebox
with toolbar by using the shortcode [zoomify file="fileUrl" zskinpath="Default/Dark/Light" zoomlevel=100]
(zoomlevel is optional), where “fileUrl” is the url/permalink to the zif-file.
The skin parameter has three options: Default, Dark and Light. If the skin parameter is omitted in the shortcode the Default skin will be used.
For example, if the permalink to your file is http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/myAwesomemap.zif, the shortcode will look like this
[zoomify file="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/myAwesomemap.zif" zskinpath="Default"]
If copy-pasting this example does not work, please type out the shortcode manually in your WP editor so the double quotes are properly formatted.
I am not connected to Zoomify in any way, I coded this plugin for personal use and figured this may come in handy for other Zoomify users.
Each Zoomify image had it’s own unique identifier, so you can add muiltiple Zoomify images to a page.