ZycoonApps Login SMS Alert

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About ZycoonApps Login SMS Alert

Want an alert on successful Admin Login? ZycoonApps Login SMS Alert can alert you via SMS of the login incident including the IP address.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: ZycoonApps


ZycoonApps Login SMS Alert allows you to receive an SMS alert when a user with ADMINISTRATOR role logins to either frontend or admin.
The SMS will contain the Username and IP address, thus allowing you to review any suspicious activity and take timely action.

For the plugin to be able to send SMS, it sends the data/information that you provide in “ZycoonApps Login SMS Alert” plugin options and also sends the SMS message to the 3rd party containing the username and IP address.

This plugin relies on 3rd party as a service provider named VOIP.MS https://voip.ms/

Please review Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the service provider before using this plugin.
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy

The 3rd party SMS gateway https://voip.ms/ also limit service to a max of 100 SMS per day. View Usage Limits

Currently Supported SMS Gateway:
VOIP.MS : Visit VOIP.MS Website for more info on subscribing to service & pricing info.

NOTE: You will need to whitelist the IP address of the server (from where the request to the API is being sent) in your VOIP.MS account

We plan to add more SMS gateways based on user feedback, so do let us know if you want to see any particular SMS Gateway added to this plugin.

If you have any question or features request, please access the plugin’s official support forum.