Advanced Custom Fields: ACF S3 Media Files

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About Advanced Custom Fields: ACF S3 Media Files

Adds a new field type that allows media to be uploaded to AWS S3.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Codemenschen


Are you a lover of Advanced Custom Fields? Have you tested the Block ACF S3 Media Files plugin by Codemenschen? Advanced Custom Field (ACF) is a powerful and popular plugin because it is so easy to create custom field data. Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) is an object storage service built to store and retrieve data of any volume from anywhere on the Internet. This is a simple hosting service that has virtually unlimited durability, availability, performance, and scalability at an extremely low cost. Advanced Custom Fields ACF S3 plugin gives you control WordPress content is more, using custom post meta to enrich the content with structured data. It also allows you to build and configure different types of data fields that will appear in meta boxes when your content editor updates a custom post, page, or post type (and more). This plugin adds the WordPress default search engine the ability to search by content from selected fields of the advanced Custom Fields plugin.

ACF S3 Media Files plugin by Codemenschen has always been an extremely developer friendly plugin. Not only because of its amazingly affordable price, but with actions and filters around the code base, it is extremely easy to scale This plugin aims to provide a powerful governance framework with a host of improvements and optimizations, most effective for your website.

The combination of ACF and AWS S3 will help your website become stronger and better.

The function of plugin offers many benefits such as:

Centralize unified management of files on AWS
Optimize file transfer and download speed
Help your website load faster because there are no files on the server
AWS S3 supports backups so your data is always safe

Simple configuration
Fast upload
… And much more

We spend hours developing this plugin. Tech support is also time consuming, but we do it because we want to give you the best plugin. We want to bring you to enjoy every setting in the new plugin. If you do not already own this ACF S3 plugin, you should consider it. This is one of the most powerful WordPress plugins out there.

Documentation ACF S3 Media Files


This ACF field type is compatible with:
* ACF 5
* ACF 4

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If you have suggestions about how to improve ACF S3 Media Files plugin, you can chat with us.