Admin Bar Addition for WooCommerce

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About Admin Bar Addition for WooCommerce

Admin bar addition for WooCommerce.






updated: 5 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: WPFactory


Admin Bar Addition for WooCommerce is a lightweight plugin that adds useful WooCommerce links to the admin bar.

✅ Items

  • Orders
    • Orders
    • Add order
    • Customers
  • Reports
    • Orders
      • Sales by date
      • Sales by product
      • Sales by category
      • Coupons by date
    • Customers
      • Customers vs. guests
      • Customer list
    • Stock
      • Low in stock
      • Out of stock
      • Most Stocked
    • Taxes
      • Taxes by code
      • Taxes by date
  • Products
    • Products
    • Add product
    • Categories
    • Tags
    • Attributes
  • Coupons
    • Coupons
    • Add coupon
  • Settings
    • General
    • Products
      • General
      • Inventory
      • Downloadable products
    • Tax
      • Tax options
      • Standard rates
    • Shipping
      • Shipping zones
      • Shipping options
      • Shipping classes
    • Payments
      • Checkout options
      • BACS
      • Check payments
      • Cash on delivery
      • PayPal
    • Account
    • Emails
    • Advanced
      • Page setup
      • REST API
      • Webhooks
  • System status
    • System status
    • Tools
    • Logs
  • Extensions

🗘 Feedback

  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!

ℹ More

  • The plugin is “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)” compatible.