Advanced Woo Search

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About Advanced Woo Search

Advanced WooCommerce search plugin. Search inside any product field. Support for both AJAX search and search results page.






updated: 2 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: ILLID


Advanced Woo Search – powerful search plugin for WooCommerce. Supports AJAX search and search results page display.

Plugin home page | Features List | Docs

Main Features

  • Products search – Search across all your WooCommerce products
  • Search in – Search in product title, content, excerpt, categories, tags, ID and sku. Or just in some of them
  • Settings page – User-friendly settings page with lot of options
  • Shortcode and widget – Use shortcode and widget to place search box anywhere you want
  • Product image – Each search result contains product image
  • Product price – Each search result contains product price
  • Terms search – Search for product categories and tags
  • Smart ordering – Search results ordered by the priority of source where they were found
  • Fast – Nothing extra. Just what you need for proper work
  • Stop Words support to exclude certain words from search.
  • Supports variable products
  • Search results page support. Plugin search results will be integrated to your current page layout.
  • Automatically synchronize all product data. No need to re-index all content manually after every change.
  • Plurals support
  • Synonyms support
  • Diacritical marks support
  • Google Analytics support
  • Seamless integration option for easy replacing your current search form
  • WPML, Polylang, WooCommerce Multilingual, qTranslate, GTranslate, etc. support
  • WPML multi-currency support
  • Page builder plugins support: Gutenberg, Elementor, Beaver Builder, WPBakery, Divi Builder
  • Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce plugin support
  • Search Exclude plugin support

Premium Features

Additional features available only in the PRO plugin version.

  • Search results layouts
  • Search form layouts
  • Filters. Switch between tabs to show different search results
  • Unlimited amount of search form instances
  • Search for custom taxonomies and attributes archive pages
  • Support for variable products: show child products, parent product or both in search results.
  • Product attributes search ( including custom attributes)
  • Product custom taxonomies search
  • Product custom fields search
  • Users search
  • Advanced settings page with lot of options
  • Exclude/include specific products by its ids, taxonomies or attributes from search results
  • Ability to specify source of image for search results: featured image, gallery, product content, product short description or set default image if there is no other images
  • Visibility/stock status option – choose what catalog visibility and stock status must be for product to displayed in search results
  • Show product categories and tags in search results
  • AND or OR search logic
  • Add to cart button in search results
  • Support for WooCommerce Brands plugin
  • Support for Advanced Custom Fields plugin
  • Support for WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin
  • Support for Dokan – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin
  • Support for MultiVendorX – Multivendor Marketplace plugin
  • And the huge list of other integrations

Features list

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