Better Product Reviews For WooCommerce

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About Better Product Reviews For WooCommerce

You own a WooCommerce store, so you know that reviews are a key component of a successful online store. Being able to know from customers who have al …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Nexcess


Better Product Reviews for WooCommerce is a complete replacement for the existing reviews system used by WooCommerce.

Make your reviews more trustworthy and increase conversions with:

  • A fixed 7 point rating for stars
  • Allow you to define individual product attributes
  • Reviewers can note attributes about themselves, and review viewers can sort through reviews by individual product attribute
  • Includes review author characteristics tied to the review to add more context
  • Calculate averages to display on product page for both for product rating and product attributes
  • Verified reviews for WooCommerce – if the user purchased the product, the review gets flagged as verified
  • Display WooCommerce review data for customers – a visual aggregate of the review data is shown above the list, including rating breakdowns, averages, etc.

Care for the back-end of your site by making your reviews more reliable:

  • Better Product Reviews for WooCommerce replaces the existing WooCommerce comment system, both front and back end
  • Stores data in custom tables instead of comments
  • Set WooCommerce reviews to pending – all reviews are set pending on submission