Better Video & Playlist

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About Better Video & Playlist

Improves WordPress Video Experience by adding playlist, resume video and a lot more!






updated: 7 months ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Chema


Elevate Your WordPress Video Experience!

The Better Video & Playlist Plugin is designed to enhance the video capabilities of your WordPress website while adding a sophisticated video playlist feature. This plugin ensures that your site’s visitors enjoy a seamless and engaging video-watching experience.

Key Features:

  • Resume Video Playback: Never lose progress – our plugin remembers where you left off.
  • Video Progress Storage: Store video progress in the WordPress database and local browser storage.
  • Customized Start Time: Start your videos at specific times using the ?t=SECONDS parameter (e.g., ?t=120 starts at 2 minutes).
  • Video Playlists: Create and manage video playlists effortlessly using block editor.
  • Autoplay Next Video: Keep viewers engaged with automatic playback of the next video.
  • Emoji Customization: Add a personal touch with custom video emojis.
  • Background Color: Tailor the video player’s background color to match your site’s aesthetics.

Why Choose Better Video & Playlist?

  • User-Friendly: Seamlessly integrate advanced video features into your WordPress site.
  • Progress Tracking: Never make viewers start from scratch; they can pick up right where they left off.
  • Playlist Management: Create and organize video playlists with ease.
  • Community Support: Join a community of users benefiting from this plugin’s capabilities.

Upgrade History

Version 2.1.1

  • Tested for WordPress 6.4 compatibility

Version 2.1

  • Major jQuery and PHP code refactor
  • Improved method for tracking played videos
  • New admin panel with customizable settings

Version 2.0.4

  • Enhanced descriptions and FAQs

Version 2.0.3

  • Tested for WordPress 6.3 compatibility

Version 2.0.2

  • Added smooth scroll to video

Version 2.0.1

  • Implemented AJAX for storing video time for logged-in users

Version 1.0

  • Initial release