Integration of CiviCRM's Form Processor with Caldera Forms

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About Integration of CiviCRM's Form Processor with Caldera Forms

This plugin integrates Caldera Forms with CiviCRM's form processor. Funded by CiviCooP,, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Jaap Jansma


This plugin makes it possible to submit caldera forms to CiviCRM’s Form Processor.
CiviCRM does not necessarily be installed in the same installation.
If it isn’t use the [CiviCRM McRestFace Connector plugin( to connect to a remote CiviCRM.

Configuration when CiviCRM is on a remote server

Use this when the front-end WordPress site and CiviCRM are on different servers:

  1. On the front-end site, install and activate:
  2. On the front-end site, configure a CMRF connection to connect the front-end to the back-end
  3. On the back-end server, install and enable:
  4. On the back-end server, create a CiviCRM Form Processor
  5. On the front-end server, create a Caldera Form
  6. On the Procssors tab, click Add Processor
  7. For each Form Processor you created, you should see a processor named the same as the Form Processor prefixed by ‘CiviCRM Form Processor’ and suffixed by ‘at ‘

Configuration when CiviCRM is installed locally

Use this when the frontend WordPress site and CiviCRM are in the same wordpress installation:

  1. Install and activate:
  2. Create a CiviCRM Form Processor
  3. Create a Caldera Form
  4. On the Processors tab, click Add Processor
  5. For each Form Processor you created, you should see a processor named the same as the Form Processor prefixed by ‘CiviCRM Form Processor’

NB – If you have not created any Form Processors, no CiviCRM Caldera Processors will be listed!

Funded by