Custom Product Type For WooCommerce

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About Custom Product Type For WooCommerce

This Plugin Add WooCommerce Custom Product types with awesome features.






updated: 6 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Mohamed Saad


Custom Product type for WooCommerce adds custom product types to Woocommerce product types with awesome controls ,features and custom fields that can be displayed in seperated location for each product type in WooCommerce single product page.

With this plugin your sell any product type(Book, Demos, Food, Furniture, etc..) with custom product tab and custom meta fields(Pro) that you can choose whether to display them on product page or not and display those products on any page with cwpt shortcode.

[cwpt_products product_type="product_type"]

You can hide those product from shop page then display them on other pages and also you can add a custom taxonomy to related to this product type.

Free Plugin Features

  • Add custom product type.
  • Add custom product type Taxonomy.
  • Hide product type from shop page.
  • Custom product type Shop badge.
  • Display product type in Custom Page(Using Shortcode).

Premium Plugin Features

  • Custom Product type custom admin tab.
  • Custom Product type custom tab admin fields.
    • Field type(Text-Select-Radio-Textarea).
    • Field Name.
    • Field placeholder.
    • (Show/Hide) On product front page.
      • Before Add To Cart Button
      • After Add To Cart Button
      • Before Product Meta
      • After Product Meta
      • After Product Title
    • Text Field as URL(Disable/Enable).


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