Dadevarzan Common for Woocommerce

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About Dadevarzan Common for Woocommerce

Dadevarzan custom shortcodes and common functionalites for Woocommerce.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Dadevarzan Team


Dadevarzan custom shortcodes and common functionalites for Woocommerce.

  • Displaying Woocommerce Product Gallery images
    [dv_wc_product_images count=’1′ size=’medium’]

  • Displaying Woocommerce sorting product selectbox

  • Displaying Woocommerce variation swatches based on Variation Swatches for WooCommerce,
    [dv_wc_product_variation_swatches term=’ATTRIBUTE-SLUG’ type=’color|image|button’]

  • Displaying Attribute Table outside of default WooCommerce tabs

  • Displaying Product Review outside of default WooCommerce tabs

  • Displaying Woocommerce Compaire based on WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce,

  • Displaying Woocommerce Wishlist based on WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce,

  • Displaying Woocommerce Product Discount budge if os sales,

  • Displaying Woocommerce stock status based on this article,
    [wpbb-if post:custom_field key=’_stock_status’ exp=’equals’ value=’outofstock’]
    <div class="dv-stock_status dv-outofstock">ناموجود</div>
    <div class="dv-stock_status dv-instock">موجود</div>

  • Added Variation and Swatches to Search & Filter Pro