Product Table for WooCommerce

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About Product Table for WooCommerce

Displays WooCommerce products into tabular format.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Mukul Lodhi


Ecommerce Table – Product Table for WooCommerce display Woocommerce products in tabular format, allow users to add multiple products to the cart from a single window, this plugin uses ajax to add products to the cart.
Product Variations are managed in the table and can also be shown in tabular format.
Highly customizable CSS to display products as it uses CSS grid layout. 


  • Option to set number of products to display in table.
  • Option to show variations in Table.
  • Option to change order of columns.
  • Option to set size or product images to display.
  • Option in front end to sort products using categories and tags.
  • Option to sort display featured and instock products.
  • Separate woocommerce sub-menu for customization.
  • Supports multiple product types, plugin handles any type of product.
  • Clean layout.
  • Not obstructive.

Perfect tool to display tabular products.