Emercury for WooCommerce

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About Emercury for WooCommerce

Sync customer’s first name, last name, email address, and orders with Emercury for WooCommerce.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Emercury


Join the 10,000+ customers who use Emercury, an email marketing platform made for lead generators. With this official Emercury for WooCommerce integration, your customers and their purchase data are automatically synced with your Emercury account.

This makes it easy to send targeted campaigns, automatically follow up with customers post-purchase, recommend products, recover abandoned carts, and measure the ROI of your marketing efforts. And it is completely free. You just need an Emercury account.

With Emercury for WooCommerce, you’ll have the power to:

  • Sync customer first names, last names, email addresses, and orders.
  • Hyper-personalizat the post-purchase marketing automation
  • Gain full control of the abandoned cart recovery process
  • Track and segment customers based on purchase history and purchase frequency.
  • View detailed data on your email marketing performance in your Emercury Dashboard.
  • And so much more…

Allow users to opt in to your newsletter or updates at checkout

This plugin adds a super convenient and natural checkbox on the checkout page. When the customer ticks that box, they opt-in to receive future email communications from you. We handle all the technical details, and you see these customers added to your Emercury account.

From there, the power is all in your hands. You can have an automated personalized journey that triggers the moment they make that order, or even tag them based on their customer status.

Enjoy new found powers:

  • Customize the messaging at checkout to fit your needs.
  • Check their user profile in Woocommerce to view their optin status.
  • Check Emercury to see when they opted in.
  • Segment this customer data to upsell them products and services at a later time.
  • Never have to worry about their optin status again. Emercury will handle all that as soon as they optin.

New: Hyper-personalized abandoned cart recovery

The plugin now supports abandoned cart integration. All you have to do is tell the plugin what automation to run for anyone that forgets to complete an order in your store.

And then, you can set up your Emercury automation however you like. We put no boxes or constraints around your process. You can make your cart abandonment as complicated and elaborate or as simple as you want.