We'll create fresh WordPress site with Photo gallery, image gallery, video gallery, file gallery plugin with cloud storage installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Files.fm file gallery is an advanced plugin for embedding photos, images, audios, videos, documents or any other type file galleries and portfolios in a grid-style reponsive layout. Supports file preview and streaming audio/video player. Gallery is fully responsive and mobile friendly. It has a thumbnail grid view and a pop-up “light-box view with detailed file info, tags, comments and other great features.
You create a free Files.fm cloud storage account with 1GB+ permanent storage.
Files in the gallery are uploaded, stored adn served from a backend Files.fm cloud file storage server.
Plugin provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing files with the ability to batch upload, delete and manage files with a few simple steps. File preview and download statistics are available.
Files can be managed through WordPress admin as well as at https://files.fm/filebrowser
E-commerce backend to sell digitals donwloads of photos, videos or documents. You can create your online store straight away and start monetizing your content. See more here: https://files.fm/sell-files
Subscribe to Files.fm PRO or Business account to:
– increase available storage
– backup your galleries for later use
– set pasword to access files
– Files.fm logo removed
and get other great features. More info here: https://files.fm/storage-plans
Files.fm provides secure and customizable cloud storage solutions for business and private users to store, share, backup or sell content worldwide.
We are always happy to hear feedback and suggestions from our users.
Feel free to contact us: support@files.fm
See demo here: https://files.fm/gallery_module/index.php?wp=1