Forms Management System Views Builder

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About Forms Management System Views Builder

An easy way to display the custom fields at the frontend.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Mohammed Thaer


This Plugin requires Forms Management System.
We don’t give any support to this plugin here, if you need any help please feel free to contact us through our support page.

Forms Management System Views Builder is a free add-on allows you to display the custom fields at the frontend with the easiest way possible.

Features of the plugin include:

  • Unlimited views, you can create as many views as you want, but each form should have only one view.
  • Displaying the custom fields at the frontend and control which field will be displayed and change the field order and put a new label for the field.
  • Restrict the custom fields section access with a message for: logged in users only, or choose the role(s) that you want to allow them to access the custom fields section.
  • Add a wrapper class to styles the custom fields as you want.
  • You can disable the default style.
  • You can put a label for the custom fields section.
  • Add HTML before and HTML after for each field independently.